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Sozinho Acácio

Dr. Sozinho Acácio has a degree in Medicine from the Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo-Mozambique in 2006, he joined the Manhiça Health Research Center (CISM) in 2009. Since then, has coordinated several studies with an emphasis on studies in the diarrheal diseases area “The Global Enteric Multicenter Study (GEMS), studies in the areas of respiratory diseases and invasive bacterial diseases, Haemofilus Influenza type B (Hib), pneumococci, several studies in the area of tuberculosis and Health Surveillance and Child Mortality Prevention network (CHAMPS ) while leading the clinical department of the CISM an important morbidity and mortality platform that supports all research activities at the Center. Between 2010 and 2013 he was admitted to the CISM’s Training Fellow Program for researchers, and in 2011, through this program, Dr. Acácio obtained his master's degree in Clinical Research and International Health in 2014, from the University of Barcelona in Spain and in 2019 completed his PhD degree from the University of Barcelona in Spain. In 2011, he participated in a short-term training on Trial Site Management - Essential Skills for Study Coordinators, including Good Clinical Practice (GCP) certified. (Vienna School of Clinical research). In 2015, he participated in a short-term training on “Improving the quality of health services in low-resource settings” at the University of Heidelberg in Germany. He currently performs clinical activities in Pediatrics at the Manhiça District Hospital in parallel is a researcher coordinating studies in the area of tuberculosis at CISM.